«The aspect of Margarita Lozano’s work which is most known and debated by art commentators has been her still lifes. This is evident as a large part of her work is focused on the representation of fruits, vegetables, cutlery and other inanimate objects which are placed on tables, as well as different types of everyday furniture.»
Eduardo Serrano

Standing Pear, 2019
Oil on canvas, , 30 cm x 25 cm

Apple with Orange Background, 2019
Oil on canvas, 30 cm x 25 cm

Apple with Red Background, 2019
Oil on canvas, 32 cm x 32 cm

Resting Pear, 2019
Oil on canvas, 25 cm x 30 cm

Apples, 2019
Oil on canvas, 25 cm x 30 cm

Mango, 2019
Oil on canvas, 25 cm x 30 cm

Tropical Vase, 1978
Pastel on paper, 110 cm x 102 cm

Vase with Yellow Background, 2019
Oil on canvas, 25 cm x 30 cm

Vase of Poppies, 2019
Oil on canvas, 30 cm x 25 cm

Blue Vase with Roses, 2019
Oil on canvas, 25 cm x 30 cm

Quinces, 2019
Oil on canvas, 25 cm x 30 cm

Still Life with Pumpkin, Fruit and Red Coffee Pot, 1980
Pastel on paper, 95 cm x 110 cm

Interior with Antique Clock, 1995
Charcoal and Conté Crayon on paper, 85cm x 103cm

Basket with Red Onion and Spoons, 1998
Pastel on paper, 57 cm x 72 cm